How to restore youth to the skin of the hands

Hand skin with age-related changes that require the use of rejuvenation technology

Our hands are one of the marks (as well as the neck with décolleté area, earlobes), from which it is very easy to understand that the 18th anniversary is long gone. It is at the hands of the first encounter with a person that our eyes fall consciously or unconsciously. Therefore, it must be borne in mind that the withering of the skin on the hands begins before the aging of the skin on the face. This is because the skin of the hands is very thin: just like the skin around the eyes and on the neck, it is almost free of a layer of subcutaneous tissue, which produces a sufficient layer of fat film that protects the skin from numerous damages. external factors. In addition, such a film prevents moisture loss, which becomes a natural protection against wrinkles. There is almost no such protective film on hand.

In addition, after 25 years, the regeneration of the skin begins to slow down in the human body: the formation of collagen and elastin fibers, which are responsible for firmness and elasticity, decreases. At the same time, the blood circulation slows down throughout the body, causing difficulty in "breathing" the skin and, accordingly, skin nourishment. Gradually, the skin becomes coarser and looser. tendons are contours.

Age spots are added as a result of thinning of the basement membrane that separates the epidermis (upper layer of the skin) from the dermis (underlying layer of the skin). As a result, the pigment that is built into the deep layers of the skin begins to appear on the surface and forms uneven age spots.

Hand cosmetic surgery can get rid of all kinds of age-related problems, restore skin elasticity, improve the formation of collagen and elastin.

What are the problems with hand surgery?

With the help of injections and hardware processes, you can solve problems such as:

  • loss of adipose tissue;
  • discoloration;
  • thinning and dry skin, decreased elasticity;
  • wrinkles and folds;
  • light aging, roughness;
  • greyish or yellowish tint;
  • contours of superficial veins.

The best technique for rejuvenating the skin on the hands

The advent of the latest injection and hardware technology, as well as the creation of fillers designed to solve the problems of age-related skin, have made hand skin improvements a simple and cost-effective process.


Resuscitation is the simplest and quickest way to correct age-related illnesses. The method delivers hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin and thus provides long-term moisture and protection. Deep hydration of the skin improves the tone, slows down the aging process, improves the color and structure of tissues and also eliminates small wrinkles and breaks.

In addition, the method has a complex healing effect: it stimulates the production of its own hyaluronate, improves the regeneration of the intercellular space and protects the skin from the effects of antioxidants.

Bio revitalization is often prescribed as a preparation for chemical peeling, refractory temperature, IPL and in the recovery period thereafter.

Who is shown the method

Hyaluronic acid syringes have no age restrictions. They are shown at the first signs of dryness and somnolence in the skin.


A method similar to organic resuscitation, but not only hyaluronic acid is used as an injection, but a whole complex of nutrients.

Properly chosen preparation for mesotherapy or a cocktail of them helps to eliminate many cosmetic problems: dry skin on the hands, wrinkles, wrinkles, loss of tone and elasticity. In addition, the method provides good tissue sealing and also has a bright healing and antioxidant effect. Injections will get rid of pigment and small scars, tighten the skin, deliver a healthy color and even tone. Mesotherapy is often prescribed for the treatment of skin diseases of the hands - focus on neuritis, eczema, keratosis, nail dystrophy.

For those who are afraid of injections, mesotherapy is available without injection treatment. It is no less effective than the classic version, but requires more action. The result is stored for six months. You can extend it by taking another course or by performing a series of maintenance cycles once a month.

Who is the operation recommended for?

Mesotherapy also has no age restrictions. It is best suited for patients with dry and sagging skin on their hands, covered in wrinkles and breaks.

Plastic outline of hands

The method helps to restore the lost volume, smooth out protruding veins and give the brushes a pleasant roundness. The technology is based on injecting fillers with hyaluronic acid under the skin.

Because hyaluronate is a natural part of the human body, there is almost no allergic reaction to the operation. To apply fillers under the skin of the hands, shock-absorbing needles are used - surgical needles in the form of a soft tube, which allows the regeneration process to be performed without pain and to prevent the appearance of bleeding.

Modern preparations for the contours of plastic - fillers manufactured in Germany and the Netherlands - have already proven essential for restoring volume and incredibly velvety softness on the skin of the hands.

So, the innovative development of Dutch scientists - skin fillers - ensures the lasting effect of renewal from 1 to 4 years. The activity of the drug provides a unique formula. For example, the main component of the filler is polycaprolactone, a soft medical sewing agent. Polycaprolactone stimulates skin cells - fiber cells - to produce type 1 collagen. Such collagen is highly formed in the skin of people aged 18-20 years and makes it elastic, soft and velvety, hides blood vessels.

Polycaprolactone is gradually absorbed into tissues and excreted from the body naturally, without disturbing the functioning of organs and systems. Therefore, the filler is considered very safe.

The German filler, which consists of a mineral that binds to the human body - calcium hydroxyapatite, has wonderful properties to initiate powerful processes for the production of its own collagen: the skin becomes firm and toned - without a single wrinkle.

It is this property that makes the rejuvenation of the hands of the hands with the help of this filler very effective and lasting: the skin on the hands after injection will look perfect for more than 2 years. An important advantage of the drug is its 100% compatibility with the human body. Thanks to these properties, an anaphylactic test is not required.

90% of patients who underwent a hand refill with a German filler were satisfied with the results of the operation immediately after it and 93% within 12 weeks after it.

Who is the operation recommended for?

Injectable plastic is suitable for people who have low fat under the skin of their hands due to natural or age-related changes.

Laser treatment for hands

Laser refractive index analysis is based on skin exposure to high temperatures. But you should not be afraid of the procedure. The laser beam penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis and the upper layer - the epidermis - is not damaged. There is also no pain.

The method smoothes wrinkles, evens out skin tone, tightens and renews tissues. With the help of scattered laser beams, spider veins, hemangiomas, prominent sulfur overgrowth can be eliminated.

Modern fracturing equipment makes it possible to perform temperature analysis with the utmost precision. At the same time, the effect on the skin of the hands is very mild and the result lasts for many years.

Who is the operation recommended for?

Laser thermodynamics is usually performed for aesthetic reasons, with defects such as:

  • weakness in the skin of the hands, wrinkles, furrows;
  • photography;
  • scars and scars after injuries, burns, operations;
  • age spots, including age spots.

Plasma lifting

Plasma lifting involves the insertion of your own, purified and platelet-rich plasma into the skin of your hands. This healing and rejuvenating method has great potential - it is able to activate all the forces of the body, which will begin to fight against the natural causes of aging.

Platelet-rich plasma provides the body with powerful rejuvenating stimuli, producing its own hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin.

Who is the operation recommended for?

Plasmolifting will benefit anyone who wants to get rid of the first signs of aging, tighten and improve the skin, restore firmness and elasticity.

Enriched plasma is often used to reduce the severity of non-resinous scars and scars, to eliminate light pigmentation and freckles.


Peeling involves removing the upper keratin-applied layer of the epidermis from the hands. The operation begins the cell regeneration process, regenerates and tightens tissues, restores elasticity and smoothness.

The rejuvenating effect of peeling is quite lasting: the surface of the skin is smooth, wrinkles and spots disappear, the brushes get a healthy color and smooth.

Who is the operation recommended for?

Light skin peeling with lactic, glycolic or salicylic acids is used to eliminate uneven and even skin tone. The method is suitable for young people with the initial process of withering into the dermis of the hands.

For mature patients with dull and sagging skin and signs of light aging, moderate peeling is recommended - trichloroacetic acid treatment will smooth out scars and roughness, eliminate pigmentation and rejuvenate the upper layer of the epidermis.

Paraffin packaging

The main effect of paraffin treatment is moisturizing the skin. So with paraffin use, deep heating of all tissues is uniformly coordinated, cellular metabolic processes are accelerated, fat removal is stimulated and the skin is smooth. Hydraulic stagnation occurs in problem areas, which prevents the removal of toxins. Hot paraffin causes the liquid, together with the decomposition products dissolved in it, to come to the surface. Because the sweat that is released does not evaporate due to the paraffin shell, the water is reabsorbed and the toxins remain on the surface. As a result, the skin does not dry out like in a sauna, but on the contrary is moisturized, smooth and firm. So much hydration restores the water balance of the skin and prevents its aging. In addition, when exposed to heat, blood flow to the skin improves, which helps to restore the structure of the skin.

Handmade paraffin wraps can eliminate dryness, peeling, redness. During the operation, active healing of micro-cracks takes place, the skin becomes smooth and sensitive. Pens after paraffin treatment will look much younger. And for all intents and purposes, this method is a lot of fun - after that the mood rises, endorphins are produced - the happiness hormone.

There are options for paraffin treatment with various additives, such as brown algae. Sometimes a few drops of aromatic essential oil are added to heated paraffin, which not only adds an unusual aroma, but strengthens and smoothes the skin.

To strengthen the effect of paraffin treatment, a special relaxing and tonic massage for the hands will help.

Who is shown the method

Paraffin treatment has no age restrictions. With this method, you can cleanse the top layer of the skin of the keratinized epidermis, dust particles, any external contaminants that clog pores. As a result, lymph outflow is activated, which improves the nutrition of the skin. Eventually, the skin becomes elastic, supple, velvety soft, acquires a vibrant color.